Channel: Limitbreaker Studios
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: c200 short filmblack film festivalthe perfect mandating advicemcadphilip bloom short filmgh6 short filmgh4 short filmthe perfect guyminneapolis college of art and designcanon t6i short filmgh5 short filmfs700 short filmgh3 short filmben hughes studios
Description: When they met, everything changed. Director/Producer/Screenwriter/Editor/DP: Ben Hughes Assistant Director: Eagle Mate Starring Dejerah Kuene and Andre McHenry Shot on the Panasonic GH4 with the Tamron 17-50mm f/2.8 & Nikon AI 50mm f/1.4 with the Cinemorph Anamorphic filter. Edited in Adobe Premiere Pro, text made in Adobe After Effects.